What's in the box!?!?!?

Kinja'd!!! "Nonster" (noahnic)
08/26/2016 at 11:30 • Filed to: None

Kinja'd!!!2 Kinja'd!!! 21

A helmet for the girlfriend obviously! And yeah I got saddlebags too. All this is in preparation for some 2-up motocamping!


I had been using a borrowed helmet for the ladyfriend, but it didn’t fit her quite right and it was pretty old. I felt ok letting her use it for a few short rides, but this weekend we’re going camping in Hocking Hills. So I told her (in a nice, warm, supportive way) it was time for her to buy her own helmet if she wanted to keep riding with me.

This is also my first time taking a passenger on a motorcycle trip so I had to get some luggage so I could fit clothes and camping gear for two people while leaving the passenger seat open. Should be a fun trip. I’ll be posting more pics of the adventure later on. Cheers!


Kinja'd!!! HammerheadFistpunch > Nonster
08/26/2016 at 11:34


I still don’t don’t understand what kind of magic 2 up bike touring people have to fit enough gear to camp on a bike that already has 2 people on it.

Kinja'd!!! TheD0k_2many toys 2little time > Nonster
08/26/2016 at 11:51


no offense but sport bikes look ugly with saddlebags

Kinja'd!!! Nonster > TheD0k_2many toys 2little time
08/26/2016 at 11:53


I agree most of the time, but I need the cargo space. They’ll be immediately coming off once I get back

Kinja'd!!! bob and john > HammerheadFistpunch
08/26/2016 at 11:53


Its not hard. All you need is a tent, a change of clothes, and a sleeping bag or two.

Kinja'd!!! HammerheadFistpunch > bob and john
08/26/2016 at 11:55


well, 2 sleeping bags, pads, food?

Kinja'd!!! bob and john > Nonster
08/26/2016 at 11:55


Be warned. Luggage and everythig REALLY messes woth the bikes dynamics. Dial in a bunch more preload on the rear and a little bit LESS on the front (to try and level the bike out)

Ride slow, stay in your limits, blah blah blah. You already found out the now really weird aero with it.

Kinja'd!!! jimz > Nonster
08/26/2016 at 11:55


like the color.

Kinja'd!!! Nonster > HammerheadFistpunch
08/26/2016 at 11:56


gypsy magic mostly

Its actually not bad for a short weekend trip, but much longer than that would be a challenge without the full top-box, massive side cases, and tank bag setup and at that point it would probably be too much weight for the little SV.

Kinja'd!!! HammerheadFistpunch > Nonster
08/26/2016 at 11:57


I see people on GS1200 2 up and they are in the middle of nowhere and have been touring for weeks and I think...HOW?! My Land Cruiser is full of stuff for just me or one other person...granted when you have space...why not bring it all.

Kinja'd!!! bob and john > HammerheadFistpunch
08/26/2016 at 11:57


Well if its the GF im sure the dont mind snuggling up :).

Pads? Wuss. We sleep on the ground.

Food can be bought closer to destination. Get there set up camp, go hunt for a store (remember bikes USUALLY dont stray TOO far from the beaten path. Unlike you)

Kinja'd!!! HammerheadFistpunch > bob and john
08/26/2016 at 12:01


nuts to that. I don’t even sleep in bags anymore...can’t stand it...and there is no “sleeping” on the ground in redrock country. I mean, sure, you can find a place to put your bag down and you can get in it...but you wont get any sleep.

Kinja'd!!! Nonster > bob and john
08/26/2016 at 12:03


yep, that became very clear to me when I had this bigass heavy bag on the back while riding the dragon


I’ve also been playing with the rear preload and that has helped out a ton with how the bike handles with a passenger, but I’ll probably bump it up to its max setting with both the girl and gear on board. Thanks for the tip on the front preload!

Kinja'd!!! Nonster > bob and john
08/26/2016 at 12:05


yup thats about how I do it

Kinja'd!!! Decay buys too many beaters > Nonster
08/26/2016 at 12:09


My luggage solution, milk crate hose clamped to the back. Anything that does not fit in the crate gets bungied to the sides.


Also nice SV :)

Kinja'd!!! Nonster > HammerheadFistpunch
08/26/2016 at 12:10


Basically just have to use the same gear and mindset as a backpacker. But if I were doing real out in the wilderness, off-road, adventure riding I probably wouldn’t do it with a passenger. That much weight would just suck to have to manage on any real terrain

Kinja'd!!! Nonster > Decay buys too many beaters
08/26/2016 at 12:12


oh man I want a dual-sport/supermoto so bad.

hey if it looks stupid but it works it aint stupid

Kinja'd!!! Decay buys too many beaters > Nonster
08/26/2016 at 12:24


The ultimate cheap two bike garage is a DR-Z400 and an SV650... trust me, they cover all the bases with very little overlap.

Kinja'd!!! Spaze > Nonster
08/26/2016 at 13:29


What luggage is that? Also, 1 up motocamping is awesome! I honestly didnt notice much difference when I loaded my bags up for my trip to WSBK. Just make sure the weight is even and the bike will feel fine. After a few hundred miles you will not even notice.

Kinja'd!!! Nonster > Spaze
08/26/2016 at 13:56


its the Nelson Riggs CL-950

They’re pretty roomy and they fit on my SV shocking well.

Kinja'd!!! Spaze > Nonster
08/26/2016 at 14:31


They look HUGE (which is a good thing).

Kinja'd!!! loki03xlh > Nonster
09/14/2016 at 17:05


+1 on Nelson-Riggs luggage. I have one of their large bags for trips, and a smaller duffel that I keep use all the other times.